
2. Experiences and Engagement

SJMA strives to offer experiences that are both intellectually stimulating and accessible to every visitor. In keeping with those values, SJMA embraces an atmosphere of open engagement and sees technology as one of many tools with which to facilitate meaningful engagement with visitors, whether they are on-site or online.

We emphasize community and work to grow the depth of interactions around SJMA’s artworks, artists, and the San José community through the lens of emerging technologies and digital culture.

2.1 On-site

People have many choices when considering where and how to spend their leisure time and money. Here in Silicon Valley, SJMA is competing with various other cultural institutions and events that take place all over the bay area. The experience at SJMA must be distinctive in Silicon Valley, and offer active, participatory, unique experiences that visitors will only encounter at SJMA.

With respect to digital technologies, experiences should be seamless and available to visitors who want them but unobtrusive when they don’t. They should align with visitor behaviors and compliment the museum experience in a meaningful way. Technology in the museum space must compliment and enrich the offerings SJMA already cultivates and delivers so well.

Therefore, the digital components to on-site gallery experiences ought to be part of the discussion about a potential project from its inception, through its installation, and throughout its duration. Having digital leadership involved from the outset is instrumental in creating seamless, integrated experiences.

2.2 Online

The Internet offers infinite choices for users and increasingly dynamic online experiences set the bar for user expectations. User interfaces must be consistent, elegant, fun, easy to use, shareable and worth sharing.

SJMA’s digital team strives for a balance between developing internally-supported platforms (websites, blogs, mobile applications, etc.) and managing activity on third-party platforms (social media, email marketing, etc.). Activity on third-party platforms are platform-specific and make use of each platform’s unique functionality.

2.3 Experience Integration

Onsite and online experiences should join up all aspects of the visitor experience before, during, and after a visit to the museum. This facilitates a stronger connection with the visitor and encourages them to return.

2.4 Strategy In Action

The following are projects initiated or deployed between 2015 and 2019 that exemplify the Experiences and Engagement strategy outlined above:

The following are anticipated projects that are on-going or will be deployed between 2020-2021 that exemplify the Experiences and Engagement strategy outlined above:

The following future projects exemplify the Experiences and Engagement strategy outlined above and will be pursued after 2021: * *

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